三つの目Three eyes
No | 2209-2 |
Artist | 河野薫|Koru Kawano |
Date | Showa period |
Size | 26.3×37.6cm |
Kaoru Kawano 1916-1965
Born August 12, 1916 in Otaru, Hokkaido.
In 1923, he met Gyokusen Narita, an art teacher, and Kiyoshi Saito, who was also receiving painting instruction from Narita.
1928 Received an award for excellence in drawing at the National Elementary School Grades Exhibition sponsored by Kokumin Shimbun.
1930 At the age of 14, he was selected for the 6th Road Exhibition for his oil painting on the 10th floor of "Tomioka Town Scenery". Narita introduces him to Shiko Munakata, who has come to Hokkaido.
After graduating from Hokkaido Government Otaru Junior High School in 1934, he aspired to be an artist and studied at the Kawabata Painting School in Tokyo.
In 1936, Kiyoshi Saito introduced him to Nobarasha Publishing Company. A series of "Odori DANCING FIGURE" is created.
1939 Published "Sketching Materials" (author) and "Design Materials" (co-author) from Nobarasha. He was drafted into the 26th Infantry Regiment.
From 1950 to 1954, he became an arts and crafts teacher at Shiomidai Junior High School in Otaru City.
In 1954, he was recommended as a member of the Japan Print Association and moved to Tokyo to become a printmaker.
1955 Received the Kokuga Scholarship Award at the 29th Kokugakai Exhibition (Serigraph "Nostalgia" "Umi no Illusion")
1956 Recommended submission to the Contemporary Japanese Print Exhibition (woodcut, serigraph).
February 1958 Released "Shojo". Submitted to the 32nd Kokugakai Exhibition "Wind" and "Two Birds" (woodcut). He is recommended as a friend of the Kokugakai Print Section.
1961 35th Kokugakai Exhibition "Hiten" (Woodcut). He is recommended as a member of the Kokugakai Print Club. He has participated in group exhibitions overseas organized by Yoseido.
1962 Exhibition of Kiyoshi Saito and Kaoru Kono held from May 10th to June 30th (Minneapolis, Minnesota, Women's College, Library Gallery), 22 works by Kaoru Kono and 26 works by Kiyoshi Saito.
1964 Japan Print Association 32nd Print Exhibition "Camellia (H)" (woodcut). 38th Kokugakai Exhibition "Hair" (woodcut).
In the fall of 1965, he became ill and was hospitalized on November 30 with suspected lung cancer. He passed away on December 7th. he is 49 years old.
1923年 北海道小樽市緑尋常高等小学校入学、美術教師成田玉泉に出会い同じく成田に絵の指導を受けていた斎藤清と知り合う。
1928年 国民新聞社主催全国小学生成績品展覧会にて図画優等賞受賞。
1930年 14歳で、第6回道展に「富岡町風景」10F油彩入選。来道した棟方志功を成田から紹介される。
1934年 北海道庁立小樽中学校卒業後、美術家を志して上京、川端画塾などで学ぶ。
1936年 先輩、斎藤清の紹介で出版社野ばら社に入社。この頃父の紹介で、華道家安達潮花の知遇を得、潮花の催す椿祭に招かれたことで、「踊りDANCING FIGURE」の連作が生み出される。
1939年 『写生資料』(著作)、『図案資料』(共著)野ばら社から出版。応召、歩兵第26連隊入隊。
1944年 第13回日本版画協会展初入選「日蝕」「黒い太陽」(木版)、この2点は収蔵先の火災で焼失。
1950~1954年 小樽市立潮見台中学校図工教員となる。
1954年 日本版画協会会員に推薦される。版画家を志して上京。
1955年 第29回国画会展国画奨学賞受賞(セリグラフ「郷愁」「海の幻想」)
1956年 現代日本版画展推薦出品(木版、セリグラフ) ユニセフカレンダーに「おうぎ」がGIRL WITH FANとして掲載される。
1958年 2月 現代版画秀作展(東京?日本橋三越7階ギャラリー) に「少女」を出品。第32回国画会展「風」「双鳥」(木版)出品。国画会版画部会友に推薦される。
1961年 第35回国画会展『飛天」(木版)。国画会版画部会員に推薦される。養清堂企画で海外でグループ展に出品。
1962年 斎藤清と河野薫展5月10日~6月30日(ミネアポリス?ミネソタ州?ウ-マンズ?カレッジ?ライブラリー?ギャラリー)開催、河野薫22点、斎藤清26点展示。
1964年 日本版画協会第32回版画展「椿(H)」(木版)。第38回国画会展「髪」(木版)。
1965年 秋、発病、11月30日、肺がんの疑いで入院。12月7日、永眠。49歳。
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